Do you want to feel…

more confident and clearheaded with increased energy and deeper sleep?

So what does an integrative health coach exactly do?

I’m so glad you asked!

As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach I can help you:

  • Build more self-confidence, improve your body image, and boost your emotional well-being

  • Identify foods, diets, and beliefs that may not be serving your best interest

  • Deconstruct your food cravings

  • Get back on track with better sleep

  • Increase your energy

  • Brainstorm coping skills for anxiety and/or stress management

  • Helping with your digestion

  • Prioritize time to recharge through self-care activities you enjoy

— Our sessions will be —


Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current wellness and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals. Having me as a guide/mentor will help you create a personalized and empowered approach to your own wellness and health. Together, we will create and maintain long-term lifestyle changes to enhance and transform your overall quality of life.


I will guide you throughout the process of bringing awareness to your choices and how they affect your health and what actions/steps you can take to live a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.  


Since achieving wellness is SO much more than just exercise and diet, I will also be guiding you toward other helpful wellness practices such as meditation, mindfulness, journaling, feng shui, and more.

Together, we will focus on improving twelve different areas of your life including nutrition, physical exercise, creativity, and relationships so that you are happier, healthier, and empowered to make positive, impactful choices going forward.

What you’ll get When you Transform with Tianna

  • Two 50-minute 1-on-1 sessions each month

  • Comprehensive wellness assessment

  • Personalized nutrition, mindfulness, and
    exercise plan to help you reach your goals

  • One pantry & fridge makeover (if in the Grafton county, NH or Horry County, SC area)

  • One grocery store tour (if in the Grafton county, NH or Horry County, SC area)

  • Grocery lists and eBooks packed with valuable information

  • Useful handouts (if applicable)

  • Text & email support Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles


My program focuses include:

  • Transforming your relationship with food & exercise

  • Sustaining realistic healthy habits

  • Having a stronger grip on anxiety & stress management

  • Cultivating a balanced, fulfilled life in mind, body & spirit

Note — My program may not be for you if you:

  • Are not 18 or older

  • Are looking for a quick-fix weight loss or diet plan

  • Have an active eating disorder

  • Want to drink 6 nights out of the week

  • Aren’t willing to critically reflect on your habits

  • Aren’t committed to putting in the time required for change in your health and well-being

What people are saying

“I would like to take the time and share my experience with Tianna when it comes to wellness. As someone who has struggled her whole life with weight, Tianna was amazing!!! She came over and we cleaned out my cupboards and refrigerator of all the food I had that wasn’t serving my body well. We met several times to talk about my goals and make a plan as far as my health and wellness went. She is very knowledgeable and inspiring. I am glad to have met her that's how she became one of the most important people in my life ❤️.”

— Tina C.

Believe my program might be right for you? 


Schedule your FREE complimentary health coaching consultation below where we’ll dig into your personal health history, concerns, and goals moving forward.

I can’t wait to begin working with you to discover your truth, step into your power, and tap into the goodness within you that’s waiting to be shared with the world!