Health coaching services


My offerings range from in-depth 1:1 consultations, guided grocery shopping tours, kitchen revamps, custom meal plans, identifying your personalized nutrition, and more. You can decide on which offering serves you best based on your individual needs.

I can’t wait to guide you throughout the process of your own personal health transformation. 

Transformative Package

Two sessions per month for 6 months

Get a personalized plan and regular check-ins to help you reach your goals.


1:1 Coaching — Bi-Weekly sessions

If you're eager to revive your health and commit to making transformative lifestyle changes but need support, nutritional expertise, and accountability, 1:1 wellness coaching might be the right step for you. Together, we will develop a personalized action plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle. We will be able to improve targeted areas of your wellness one week at a time. This includes email/ text support and delicious recipes to guide you through this transformative journey.

Learn what you can expect in a session or book a free consultation today.

Want to learn more and schedule your free consultation today?


While this program is highly customized based on your needs, here is a sample 6-month structure for the first few weeks.

Week 1Your Circle of Life: Identifying what areas in your life are imbalanced

Week 2Priorities/Values/Goals: Helping You Live in Alignment

Week 3Exploring Your Childhood: Deconstructing Your Food & Body Beliefs

Week 4Emotional Eating: Becoming Aware of & Deconstructing Your Patterns 

Week 5Mind Detox: Learning to Stay Grounded & Reduce Stress

Week 6Intuitive Eating: Learning to Eat from a Place of Nourishment vs. Mindless Eating

— Additional Services —

Not quite ready to commit to a 6-month one-on-one program yet, but still want to work with me?

Look into scheduling a grocery shopping tour or a fridge & pantry makeover instead!


Grocery Shopping Tour

30 minutes - 1 1/2 hours

Do you often find yourself feeling overwhelmed when trying to shop healthy at the grocery store? If you’re looking to become a more savvy shopper, then this interactive learning opportunity is the PERFECT fit for you. This experience will leave you feeling empowered and confident in your ability to navigate the grocery store with ease.

Together, we will discuss strategies and tips to shop healthier and within your budget. We’ll find the most appropriate foods to fuel your body, understand nutrition labels and marketing ploys, and more!

Available for Grafton/Coos County, NH or Horry County, SC locals only.

To book a fridge/pantry makeover, send me a message with your name and number on the contact page and I will be in touch with you soon!



1- 2 hours

Let’s refresh and ‘cleanse’ your kitchen as I restock and organize your pantry and refrigerator to inspire you to eat in an easy and convenient way! Throughout the process, we will also take a look at what current food favorites may have a healthier alternative.

Available for Grafton/Coos County, NH or Horry County, SC locals only.

To book a fridge/pantry makeover, send me a message with your name and number on the contact page and I will be in touch with you soon!