Get to know Tianna


Hi there and welcome to Transform with Tianna! I am Tianna Sparks — a nutrition & food fanatic, self-care advocate, nature lover, and daily movement enthusiast living in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire. Aside from health coaching, I am an art educator and portrait photographer and am so passionate about working with others.

My health and wellness journey originally took off when I was in college and had a new sense of independence. I realized that I had complete freedom with my food choices and with that, I knew I wanted to set myself up for success right off the bat. I began meal prepping a lot of my food to help me stay on track with healthy eating. I started living a plant-based lifestyle because I was intrigued by the benefits of eating mainly whole foods while still incorporating animal protein here and there. 

Life was GREAT. My eating habits were in check, I was working out consistently at the gym, and I started finding more like-minded people to hang out with and be inspired by. Fast forward to January 2020, I developed some serious hormonal acne completely out of the blue. 

I’ve always struggled with acne-prone skin ever since I was in high school, but it was never nearly as intense as what I experienced that year. For anyone who has ever struggled with acne, I want to begin by saying that you are NOT alone and that I COMPLETELY understand the daily struggle and feelings of insecurity. My DM’s are always open so please do not hesitate to reach out for extra support.

That year, I felt so insecure when I was around people because I just had so much more acne than ever before and it really lowered my self-esteem. I would try to use makeup to cover it up, but I also understood the importance of letting my face breathe with no makeup to help reduce my acne. It felt like a never-ending battle and I was completely at a loss on what to do.

That’s when I decided to start looking inward to fix what was on the outside. I started conducting hours of research on how I could switch up my diet to really prevent getting more acne and to see which foods help with balancing hormones. I knew through my research that my acne was definitely linked to a hormone imbalance and stress because I had never got acne on my forehead and jaw before and those are two main areas linked to those issues. 

What ended up working for me in reducing my acne tremendously was cutting out red meat and dairy. At first, it was EXTREMELY hard for me because when you grow up eating certain foods and you try to remove them completely, it can be very challenging and sometimes painful. I was surprised that cutting out red meat was actually relatively easy for me, but dairy? Boy, I LOVE cheese, so that has been something I slowly crowded out by replacing it with healthier alternatives like nutritional yeast and vegan cheese. I highly recommend crowding out foods to anyone who struggles with any intense cravings or wants to fix up their diet and I can certainly help you with that through my 1:1 coaching program!

Within months, I noticed my skin cleared up dramatically. I also saw a dermatologist and was extremely happy with the choices I was making to get the help I needed to feel more confident in my own skin again. Now, fast forward to the present day and my acne is almost 100% gone and although I still have acne scars here and there, I could not be more content with how far I have come in this journey. 

For anyone out there who is currently struggling with something that is lowering your self-esteem and preventing you from living your healthiest, best life (whether it be due to acne, wanting to lose weight, not feeling satisfied in your career, etc.), it would be my pleasure to serve you and be your #1 supporter through your own healing journey. You deserve to live a happy, vibrant, and fulfilling life. To learn more about my services as a health coach, please visit 

If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading about my story and I hope it inspires you to take action for your own health and wellness. We only have one life — don’t let fear stand in your way from living it to the fullest.

With love,


10-Minute High Protein Vegan Mac & Cheese
